UsVisaAssist is a legal process outsourcing company that specializes in U.S. Immigration Support Services. We have been offering U.S. immigration visa solutions since 2003. Our talented team consists of experienced paralegals, law clerks, and legal associates who value each client. They closely analyze prospective client’s requirements, establish what is the best way to handle the workflow and design a custom solution for a client.
And, what is not less important, we speak your clients’ language (i.e., English, Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Serbian (Croatian), Tagalog, Hindi)
You save time and money by not hiring paralegals, law clerks, case managers and devoting considerable efforts to training those staff in the United States
Unbeatable cost to quality ratio!
We contact your Client on behalf of the Law Office
(on & off business hours). 24/7 Support Team.
[We know the specifics of each country your clients are coming from]
Our legal associates take into consideration the specifics of each country’s mentality, document requirements, laws and regulations.
We prepare the complete set of required documents.
Our legal associates can craft all types of U.S. visa petitions including forms, applications, required supporting documents, and Request for Evidence (RFE) of any complexity.
We contact USCIS, DOL and other government agencies if required
Our legal associates contact USCIS, DOL and other government agencies for filing applications, verifying and updating information, making case inquiries and appointments.
We are in touch with each client until the work is fully done and completed. Period.
No weekend or holiday extra charges.
We forward the prepared set of documents to You
What an amazing feeling to wake up in the morning and the case is prepared -)
Discover an affordable and quality option for Your Law Firm. It is a great way to control overhead expenses and improve the overall customer service experience for your clients, since cases will be handled faster and you will have more time to focus on rainmaking and managing your firm.